Friday, March 2, 2012

tequila shots

hmm, I've got so many bruises on me >.<
from the hard core playing for the past few weeks!
well, i'm proud of them :D

but when i say "bruises", the thing that comes to mind is "EGO".
yes, my ego was bruised. it still is..
maybe some part of me really couldnt face the fact that I've lost the game.
I couldnt accept that I was played.

but for most part, I couldnt accept that people knew that I was played?
I felt exposed and seriously 'BRUISED' when pokey they all found out on fb.
haish. I couldnt take it. I left the group and walked arnd alone.
I almost cried.
however, telling myself it was ego hurting and not entirely the feelings,
it did make me feel A LOT better. LOL.

M playing with fire here.
We kept a bit of contact..?
I wanted to play more. a defence tactic perhaps?
to perhaps give myself back some selfworth?
I feel the need to get back at him.

yuan lai, my ego problem so kinyao de... O_O
gosh, why am I so complicated? lol.
in the end, it would still be me who gets hurt rite?

❥ †r¥ïñg †ö lïvê †hê ß꧆ öµ† ö£ ï† ツ


Jun said...

jo! sometimes escape is a solution too. leave it to God.. “不可给魔鬼留地步 - 弗4:27" 顺其自然,别打开再次让自己受伤的门. 对,我不能真真切切地明白你的感受,毕竟我没有经历过。但是我这道你很辛苦,或者很痛苦。你必须知道,你是神宝贵的儿女,上帝是如此地看重我们。要好好照顾自己。别忘了,你背后还有一班爱你的人。加油!