Monday, June 8, 2015

1st Monthsary ♥

Happy 1st Monthsary my bear! ♥
Whoa, time flies eh?

Thank you for trying to make this monthsary thing a good one :)
Would have been better if we could meet up though >.<" Sorryyy....

Hehe, since I cant get myself to say the "thank yous" that day~
Here's a belated one~

Thank you for liking me ♥
Thank you for telling me face to face that you like me ♥
Thank you for wanting to be there for me ♥
Thank you for the hugs and kisses ♥♥
Thank you for always making me sm:)e ♥
Thank you for the jokes, for the songs and for the stories ♥♥♥
Thank you for looking out for me ♥
Thank you for telling me your secret ♥
Thank you for making me feel like I matter ♥
Thank you for crying in front of me :)
Thank you for using your manja voice with me~
Thank you for letting me lie in your arms and bury my face in your chest ♥
Thank you for missing me ♥
Thank you for always being so sweet ♥
Thank you for always complimenting me ♥
Thank you for being honest with me ♥ (transparency kan? haha)
Thank you for the epic memories (*coughs* it shall not be elaborated here)
Thank you for giving me so many names? hahaha.. some are sweet.
Thank you for 'controlling' me (ish) hahaha... it's cute :P
Thank you for bearing with my thick emotional wall ^^"
Thank you for giving me space when I needed it...
Thank you for giving me a push when I needed it...
And thank you for trying to be better at this ♥♥♥

The list goes on and on... hahaha... I'll keep some for next time ♥

P/S: I miss you bear! I really do...
Sorry we had to be apart so long but know that I'm always here for you if you need me~
And know that your 'hobbit/midget/cutie pie/ idk what else' will always be missing you!

P/P/S: Hehe, got smile ka? :P ♥

❥ †r¥ïñg †ö lïvê †hê ß꧆ öµ† ö£ ï† ツ