Sunday, March 25, 2012

art of expression

I sux at it.
the art of expression.
I oways find it so hard to express what I really wanna express.
with words, with emotions, gestures. everything. urgh.
it pisses me off sometimes.

I tell people I understand what they are going thru.
I REALLY DO. but I dun think they get that I do.
I have this 'curse' of being clairvoyant? haha.
I'm good at reading people.
I get why they act that way or how they are self-destructing.
(at least I think I get them. )
I want to help them. really.. I do.
part and parcel of being a Christian too maybe?

problem: I dunno how.

telling them might bruise their ego.
not telling them, I feel like I 见死不救. lol.

As a person, we don't like to be transparent in front of ppl.
correct? The irony rite?
We search all our lives for someone who could understand us,
but we are also afraid.

❥ †r¥ïñg †ö lïvê †hê ß꧆ öµ† ö£ ï† ツ


PawsoH said...

i feel the same!