Tuesday, November 8, 2011

uncomfortable in my own skin

they say that psychological pain can cause physical pain.
true? I'm not sure :(

in 'the emo-phase' again.
self doubt? self-loathe? self-pity? I dunno what it is.
I'm just very uncomfortable in my own skin at the moment.

spoke to my babehs and well, whatever I interpreted abt myself was true.
I wasn't thinking too much.
but I can't figure a way to deal with it.
at least not yet.

biggest question of the moment:
" WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO STRONG...? in front of others..."

why why why? I dunno!
maybe it was upbringing? maybe it's my nature?
I cant figure it out.
I cant pull down this defensive wall of letting ppl noe my weakness,
despite how much I wanted to.

this is weird and ironic.
normally, ppl complain abt being weak..?
and here I am, wondering how to be weaker?
perhaps, for me, being weak is being stronger.
hahaha, this is getting confusing.

anyway, like they said, "人总要学会软弱"
applicable to the current situation.

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