Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I try to live a 'courageous' life.
well, that may not be the ideal word, 'straightforward' should be more appropriate.
tell things when it's needed and confront ppl when necessary.

goodness, it's harder than I thought!
why do I feel so guilty when I ignore someone? even when the person is so very annoying?
why can't I just tell the person off?
"stop bothering me."
"I don't want to see you."

Am I misleading you even when I fuyan you?
Take a hint can? ):
Sometimes, I feel so bad for fuyan-ing but one's gotta do what one's gotta do.
I'm mean to say this, but lol, you're not worth my time -.-
for me, it's stressful to face clingy people.
I need my space. I need moderation.

I hate it when I'm friendly in the virtual world and ppl get attached and wanna 'invade' my real world.
I'm selectively social.
so please forgive me.

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